I don't have any particular reason to put this picture on my blog, I just miss seeing those beautiful blue eyes.
His helmet says "THIS END TOWARDS ENEMY" I miss his sense of humor! He loved to tease me. One time I asked what the "beyond" in Bed, Bath & Beyond meant. He told me, with a straight face, that in the back of the store they sold sex toys!! And I believed him!! He thought that was hilarious; he got Mom, AGAIN!

Mrs. Loggins. I have a friend who stumbles across your blog by "accident" and thought I would be interested in reading it. She and I both have husbands who were in the Marine Corps, although always Marines! My husband served 2 tours in Iraq...in 2003 and 2004. 2 of the worst years for me. First of all, I would like to say I am SOOOO sorry for your loss. I cannot even come close to imagining what you are going through. We have 2 boys also! I admire you. I admire your courage and strength! I especially write this to you today because I haven't been the nicest wife this Christmas. We were supposed to make it up to Oregon from Arizona for Christmas to be with our families. Due to weather we didn't make it. Today, reading your blog, I realize how incredably selfish I am being. I HAVE my husband and my children. I HAVE my health, my life! I AM SOOO blessed! I am a registered nurse in an ICU, so I deal with illness, dying and death daily. But when it's a young Marine, the sacrifice he made, it makes me cringe! My heart is heavy for you. I believe in God. In heaven. In angels! But I still ask WHY? May God bless you today and always! And may you always have his memories, his smell, his eyes, his smile and sense of humor with you! I will never forget! God Bless Mrs Loggins! Anjee Riecke